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Emotions Mentor podcast

Jul 31, 2019

Men, in particular, are less likely to reach out and get help when dealing with a crisis. And men are more prone to suppress emotion and consequently deal with addiction.

In this lesson, listen to successful entrepreneur James Bybee and mental health expert Rebecca Hintze talk raw and real about the issues surrounding...

Jul 24, 2019

The American Psychological Association (APA) notes that the most common factor among people like this—resilient people—is having a network of loving and caring relationships. In this lesson, learn more with Anastasia Borserio and Rebecca Hintze about how you can bounce back and recover from addictive behavior with...

Jul 17, 2019

Trauma can come in all shapes and sizes. From the death of a loved one to relationship abuse, learn how you can overcome trauma in your life with mental health specialist Rebecca Hintze and special guest, Maree Cottam.

Jul 10, 2019

Heal the soul first; then the healing of the mind and body will take place. All parts of the body have different needs, and if they get what they require, all remain healthy. If we neglect them, then there's a disconnection and all become unwell. 

True healing restores the connection among the soul, mind, and body.


Jul 3, 2019

Becoming mindful takes some time and practice but is simple to learn. In this podcast, think about ways how you can use these amazing consciousness management tools to help better your life! Lassen Aria Phoenix guest stars with Rebecca Hintze, M.Sc.