Aug 28, 2019
It's true that happy people behave and think differently than unhappy people. If we want to be one of the happy folks, we may need to take inventory of the certain factors. In this lesson, learn how you can become a happier, healthier person with Dr. Dave & Callie Steuer and Rebecca Hintze, M.Sc.
Aug 21, 2019
The challenge for the depressed individual is finding the motivation, energy, and strength to continue in their everyday life. Many of depression’s worst symptoms work against those who struggle: extreme fatigue, headaches, negative self-talk, disturbed sleep. So what can we do?
Aug 14, 2019
Stress is defined as, "The state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances."
Too much stress can really harm you emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically. Learn how to manage the impact stress can give you with Marissa Heisel and Rebecca Hintze as they jump...
Aug 7, 2019
We've talked about how hormones and emotions can affect your decisions, now let's talk about how you can make helpful choices each and everyday that will improve your mood! In this podcast, discover how you can increase your daily mood with Robin Lynch Jones and Rebecca Hintze!