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Emotions Mentor podcast

Apr 22, 2020

Rebecca Hintze, M.Sc. is back with author, Mike Robbins. Mike’s new book, WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, has officially launched. Go check it out at

Join them in this episode as they talk about Mike’s new book and how we can create a team culture of high performance, trust and...

Apr 8, 2020

Mental Health Professional, Rebecca Hintze, and Dr. Danielle Daniel, a licensed Psychotherapist, get vulnerable with you. They are geared toward looking at the current world crisis and the body’s biological response in relation to stress, emotions and mood. Learn how your body is reacting so you can label and...

Apr 1, 2020

Join me, Rebecca Hintze, M.Sc., and special guest and renowned author, Mike Robbins, as we talk about how we're all sitting here cooped up in our houses, yet, simultaneously all connected in this national and global experience in our own unique ways.